안녕하세요. 업무상 영어로 판매 보고서, 통계, 그래프 등을 작성해야하고, 프레젠테이션도 해야하는데.... 어떻게 써야할 지 모르겠고, 참 막막할 때가 있습니다. 그리고 영국문화원에서 주관하는 영어 능력 평가 시험인 아이엘츠IELTS의 쓰기 part 1부분에서도 그래프를 묘사하는 문제가 출제되는데 도저히 어떻게 써야할 지 감이 안잡힐 때가 있습니다. 그래서 이번 포스팅에서는 그래프, 차트, 표를 묘사하고 분석하고 평가하는 사용할 수 있는 유용한 단어들과 표현을 정리해보도록 하겠습니다.
동사 by -만큼
예시) GDP growth rate increased by 3%.
동사 from -에서 부터
동사 to 까지
예시) GDP growth rate increased from 3% in 2008 to 6% in 2009.
increase / rise / grow / go up / climb
soar 급격히 증가하다 / double 두배 증가 / multiply 몇배 증가 / exceed
In the 1930s unemployment soared even higher, to almost 5 million, over 20 percent of the workforce.
Sales more than doubled from 5 million to 11 million per year in four years.
The total figure should be multiplied by 80% to produce the amount paid out to investors.
decrease / drop / fall / decline
plummet/plunge(급락하다) / halve (반으로 줄다)/ depreciate(가치가 떨어지다)
The number of tourists plunged from 20 million in 2017 to 16 million in 2018.
In the short term, KRW is expected to depreciate against USD.
예시) Oil prices are fluctuating a lot at the moment.
예시) House prices seem to be leveled-off after the steep increases of the last few years.
점진적인 변화: gently / gradually / steadily(꾸준히)
예시) The annual GDP growth rate has been rising steadily in the past few years.
약간 변화: slightly / a little
예시) The singer’s popularity ratings lifted slightly to almost 3% in the past year.
급격한 변화: suddenly / sharply / dramatically / steeply / sudden/ significantly/considerably
예시) Last year the government expenditure increased significantly.
The graph from (데이터 출처) presents data on (제목)…
The graph from (데이터 출처) shows/ illustrates (제목)…
If we look at this graph on (제목) from (데이터 출처) you can see…
The graph from World bank presents data on the average life expectancy in South Korea over the years from 1970 to 2018.
The y-axis (세로축) is… and the x-axis (가로축) is…
The vertical axis (세로축) is… and the horizontal axis (가로축) is…
(선 그래프) These lines represent…
(막대 그래프) These Columns are…
(원형 그래프) These segments are…
(표)These rows(행/가로) are… These columns (열/세로) are…
Overall, there is/has been…
Generally, there is… What you can see is…
From the graph, we can see…
Overall, there has been a gradual increase in the average life expectancy in South Korea
I’d like to focus your attention on…
What is interesting here is…
An interesting observation is…
A key significant area is … / Two key significant areas are…
An important point is… / Two important points I’d like to illustrate are…
Looking at ….(강조하고 싶은 부분)
If you look at this…, you’ll see / notice / understand
An analysis of the graph illustrates…
This seems to suggest that…
This is possibly because of…
This is (clearly) due to…
One reason for this could be…
An evaluation of this data suggests/provides evidence for / highlights…
To provide evidence to my previous point the graph highlights…
Overall, this highlights the significance of…
Therefore, this provides evidence that…
The graph/chart/table from (데이터 출처) shows/ illustrates (제목)… The vertical axis (세로축) is… and the horizontal axis (가로축) is… Overall, GDP has remained… between… I’d like to focus your attention on two key significant figures. (첫번째 포인트 분석) The first one is ………. (데이터 설명) (평가) This is/was probably because of …. (두번째 포인트 분석) The second one is ……. (데이터 설명) (평가) This is/was clearly due to ………… (결론)Overall, this graph highlights the evidence that… A future prediction is that…… |
The graph from Wolrd Bank Statistics (2019) shows GDP growth in South Korea over the years 1996 to 2018. The vertical axis(y) is the annual percentage of growth while the horizontal(x) axis is the individual 23 years.
Overall, GDP has fluctuated from 2000 to 2008 and remained stable from 2010 to 2018 within the 2-4% range.
I’d like to focus your attention on two key significant areas.
The first one is in 1998, where as you can see GDP fell to -5% and then dramatically soared to 12% within a year. This was due to South Korea suffering a recession caused by the Asian Financial Crisis. The government reformed the economic structure after this and this would explain the sudden rise in 1999.
The second interesting point is the sudden drop GDP to 1% in 2009 and then rapidly rose to 6% within two years. This is clearly due to the 2007/8 global financial crisis, where the many countries suffered what is now being called Lehman shock.
Overall, this graph highlights the evidence that such uncertainty in the world financial markets has impacted the economy of South Korea.
예시와 함께 그래프 묘사, 분석, 평가할 때 유용한 영어 단어와 표현을 알아보았습니다! 영어 프레젠테이션/ 그래프 분석/ 아이엘츠 준비/ 작문 시 많은 도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
Describing Graphs
How to describe academic graphs for presentations. Describing academic data with analysis and evaluation. Academic presentation phrases for graphs.
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[영어 논문 TIP] 결론Conclusion에 쓸 수 있는 유용한 표현들 대방출
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