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[영어 논문 TIP] 결론Conclusion에 쓸 수 있는 유용한 표현들 대방출

같이 공부해요/영어공부

by yeonni 2020. 4. 21. 14:48




결론 Conclusion

결론 부분은 서론 부분이랑 비슷합니다. 연구 주제와 목적을 다시 언급하고, 분석 결과를 요약하고 연구 의의를 서술합니다. 결론부분에서는 새로운 논점을 다시 제시하면 안됩니다. 결론은 아래 3가지 포인트를 포함시켜 보통 한 문단에 쓸 수 있습니다.

  • Overall summary (요약)
  • Limitation of study (연구의 한계점)
  • Further research ( 추가 연구 제시)


1.Overall summary 요약

서론 부분에서 쓴 연구 목적과 질문를 떠올리면서 연구한 결과를 요약합니다. 연구배경에서 언급한 현상이나 이슈에 유의미한 연구결과가 있으면 연관지어도 되고, 선행연구나 이론과 연관지어서 쓸 수도 있습니다.

(분석 결과 요약) 1. The paper concludes by arguing __
2. On this basis, we conclude that __
3. This allows the conclusion that __

4. In summary, this paper argued that __
5. The analysis leads to the following conclusions: __
6. The main conclusion that can be drawn is that __
(현상 이해) 1. The findings of this study can be understood as __
2. Broadly translated our findings indicate that __
3. This is an important finding in the understanding of the __

4. In addition, these findings provide additional information about __
5. Despite the limitations, these are valuable in light of __
(선행연구/이론과 연관) 1. More generally, these basic findings are consistent with research showing that __
2. Overall, our results demonstrate a strong effect of __
3. Our results on __ are broadly consistent with __
4. Collectively, our results appear consistent with __
5. Importantly, our results provide evidence for __
6. Results provide a basis for __



2. Limitations of your work: 내 연구의 한계점

연구를 하면서 중요한 변수는 안 빠뜨렸는지, 변수는 잘 통제되었는지, 표본집단이 모집단을 대변하는 지 등에 대해서 검토해보고 한계점을 적습니다.

유용한 표현들:

  • Because of the lack of __ we decided to not investigate __
  • It presents some limitations such as __
  • One limitation of our implementation is that it is __
  • Another limitation of this __ / involves the issue of __
  • A major source of limitation is due to  __
  • The main limitation is the lack of __
  • Although widely accepted, it suffers from some limitations due to __
  • An apparent limitation of the method is __
  • It suffers from the same limitations associated with a __

3. Future work: 추가연구 제시

  • Future research should be devoted to the development of __/should consider the potential effects of __ more carefully, for example, __
  • Future research on __ might extend the explanations of __
  •                              is needed to delimitate __
  •                              investigate the association between __
  •                              should further develop and confirm these initial findings by __
  •                              should certainly further test whether __
  • Regardless, future research could continue to explore __
  • In addition, __ might prove an important area for future research.
  • As also recommended above, future research should __
  • Therefore, future research should be conducted in more realistic settings to __




Academic Phrases for Writing Conclusion Section of a Research Paper - Ref-N-Write: Scientific Research Paper Writing Software To

A research paper should end with a well-constructed conclusion. The conclusion is somewhat similar to the introduction. You restate your aims and objectives and summarize your main findings and evidence for the reader.



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